Can I Pause One of My Orders in Yakkyofy?

Yes, you can pause your orders, but only if their status is not Fulfilled. If an order has already been fulfilled, it means that it has already been shipped out, so it can’t be paused or stopped anymore.

To pause an order, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Orders > Dropshipping tab

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2. Find the order you need to pause and click on the "⚙️" icon.

3. Click on "Pause."

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After clicking "Pause," a message will appear where you can type in your notes before confirming the pause.

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If an order is paused, it means that Yakkyofy will not process or fulfill the order until you unpause it.

To unpause an order:

  1. Go back to the Orders > Dropshipping tab.
  2. Click on the "⚙️" icon for the paused order.
  3. Select "Unpause."

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Once unpaused, our buyer office will start processing your order.

Sep 24, 2024

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