How to track your packages and find where they are?

On the Yakkyofy Dashboard, by clicking on Orders >Dropshipping tab, you can find all your orders:

Screenshot 2024-07-31 160222.png

If you click on the order in question, once fulfilled, you can see all the details of each order including the tracking number:

Screenshot 2024-07-31 160236.png

To track your parcel, you may click on the tracking button, or visit as a website.
On our dashboard you may see the following fulfillment updates, when it comes to an order:

  • unfulfilled: the order hasn't been paid yet, or if paid, our team is yet to start the processing;
  • processing: the order has been paid and it is being processed by the team;
  • fulfilled: the order has been shipped and tracking number provided.

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